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World-class Freezing Solutions

GLORY Freezing Equipment:
A league of its own

Are you looking for the quickest freezing and the freshest wares? Whether it’s full freezing lines, or individual IQF, Quick Air Blast, or Contact Plate Freezers, GLORY products offer you quick and cost-effective freezing, maximum hygiene, and intuitive operation.

GLORY combines the finest European technologies with an unequalled drive to excel into custom-built freezing solutions. We are proud of ourselves to offer clients freezing equipment with the highest quality and hygienic standards, and meticulous care for details. While our products are relatively easy to clean and use, GLORY professional technicians will help your staffs to maximize the value of products in terms of sanitation and operation. This helps you strive for the highest levels of hygiene and efficiency.

IQF Tunnel Freezers

For the most visually appealing results, our steel belt unit offers quick turn-arounds without a conveyor footprint. Our mesh belt units are ideal for both single and multi-packed products.

Fully Synchronised Freezing Lines

For rapid freezing and intuitive handling through one operating system, GLORY offers a complete range of freezing equipment, perfectly attuned to each other.

Fluidized Bed Freezers

Perfect IQF for medium and small-size food, GLORY innovating fluidization promises a new and better way to enjoy fresh fruits, vegetables, and seafoods.

Contact Plate Freezers

Durable, securely water-tight full stainless steel freezing chambers that prevent corrosion and thermal loss. Hot gas defrosting option for quicker-than-ever defrosting.

Air Blast Freezers

For the quickest temperature drop to your product core temperature. Supremely insulated, stainless steel. Combine our Air Blast Freezer modules to your capacity needs.

"GLORY Freezers: The perfect balance between Performance, Energy Efficiency, and Sustainability"

Your benefits, our dedication

By selecting only the best materials from premium suppliers, and redefining industry production standards, GLORY can guarantee maximum quality, durability, aesthetics, efficiency, and hygiene.

  1. Low Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)

    Through years of sharpening our production and freezing techniques, we can ensure the lowest possible TCO.

  2. Maximise Your Efficiency

    Your GLORY freezer maximises your turn-around through intuitive ease of operation. It minimises your energy consumption, human errors, and defrosting frequency.

  3. Unfaltering Reliability

    ‘The very best’ is our starting point. From there, we aim for absolute quality in terms of durability.

  4. Aesthetically Pleasing

    GLORY products are designed to show that you care about professional details, and hygiene.

Standard and Cumtomised Freezing Solutions

At GLORY, we take great pride in being able to offer you a superb quality standard of freezing lines and equipment. At the same time, we can quickly adjust our products to fit your needs and capacity. Contact us with your specific wishes, and GLORY will go to great lengths to make our products work for you.

Contact or support?

It will be our pleasure to get to know you!